8:00 - 5:00

Hours Mon. - Fri.




STL COVID-19 Update

STL COVID-19 Update

As the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 moves through the country, many communities throughout the country are facing significant disruptions to normal life in an effort to control the pandemic. St. Louis and the surrounding areas are starting to see some of these issues arise locally, including the shuttering of schools, restaurants, and other places where people congregate....

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Can You Be Fired for a DWI in Missouri | Law STL

Can You Be Fired for a DWI in Missouri?

A DWI conviction is a serious matter that can have wide-ranging consequences on every aspect of your life. If the police arrested you for drunk driving, you may be wondering whether you could lose your job, and the short answer is "yes." Missouri is an at-will employment state, which means that an employer may terminate an employee at any time, and for any reason, so long as the reasons for firing someone isn't prohibited by law. As a result, a DWI could certainly result in the loss of your job, so it's critical that anyone facing DWI charges in the...

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