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Pre-arrest criminal investigation: seven ways a lawyer can help

A mad with his hands handcuffed behind his back

If you are under investigation by the police, it is important to have a criminal investigation lawyer represent you as soon as possible. Here are seven benefits of having a lawyer during the pre-arrest criminal investigation stage:   1. Your lawyer will have an in-depth conversation with you to find out what you know and why the police are investigating you. This will help your lawyer start developing a defense strategy early on.   2. Your lawyer will conduct a thorough, independent investigation to gather evidence that could help your case. This could include obtaining cell phone records, interviewing witnesses, or hiring a private...

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Basics of Workers’ Comp Claims in St. Louis – Law-STL

A table saw

According to the National Safety Council, about 4.26 million people had a work-related injury that needed medical attention in 2021. The brutal reality is that some employers knowingly and unknowingly put their employees’ lives at risk by subjecting them to unsafe working environments.    Sadly, when this happens, workers suffer in more ways than one. For example, many workers can be left with life-altering conditions that can affect their careers alongside lost wages and the need for ongoing medical treatment leading to poor quality of life.    Ultimately, getting injured at work can have physical, emotional, and financial consequences, which is why workers need...

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Navigating St Louis Summertime Traffic: Common Causes Of Car Accidents And How To Avoid Them

City traffic

There is a high likelihood that an individual will be involved in a car accident at least once in their lifetime. Sadly, car accidents are a fact of life, with millions occurring annually globally. In fact, according to 2020 data, it was determined that there are more than 35,000 car accidents each year in the US.    Many of these accidents leave people injured and cause billions of dollars in property damage.  Additionally, since car accidents are a daily occurrence, as personal injury attorneys, our Bruntrager & Billings, P.C. St Louis firm always hears about them. However, we’ve found that what isn’t spoken...

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DUI/DWI Defense: Protecting Your Driving Privileges And Freedom

A wine glass with a car in it

Data released by the reputable National Highway Traffic Safety Administration revealed that, on average, 1.5 million people are arrested for a DUI annually. Unfortunately, the penalties for driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) can be serious.  Should you have been arrested for a DUI or DWI recently, you’re likely concerned about your future and are wondering how to resolve the situation and fight the charge. By speaking with a    St Louis DUI or DWI attorney at Bruntrager & Billings, P.C., you could formulate a strong defense and persuade the prosecution to drop or reduce the charges against you.  In...

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Defending Against Drug Possession And Trafficking Charges

Defending Against Drug Possession And Trafficking Charges

According to Drug Abuse statistics, about 1.16 million Americans are arrested for drug-related offenses yearly. If you are charged with drug possession or trafficking, it’s important to have a good defense strategy, as you could face severe consequences involving fines and jail time.    Fortunately, Bruntrager & Billings, P.C. attorneys are experts at providing defenses against drug possession and trafficking. We have been helping the people of St Louis for decades and can help you find the right defense strategy for your case.    Yet, before you speak with our attorneys, it’s an excellent idea to learn more about your possible defenses for these...

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What Would Happen If I Was Hurt in a Missouri Auto Accident as a Passenger?

What Would Happen If I Was Hurt in a Missouri Auto Accident as a Passenger?

Being in a car accident as a passenger can be a horrifying experience. One moment everything is fine, and the next you are disoriented, checking to make sure that you have not been harmed. If you have ever had this experience, then you are aware that the last thing on a person’s mind is “what to do for insurance”. However, as many of us have lived through this harrowing experience--and represented others who have as well--we can share some key information to remember in the event that you find yourself in an accident as a car passenger. When you’re the passenger...

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Who Is Responsible For A Multiple Vehicle Crash?

Who Is Responsible For A Multiple Vehicle Crash?

In 2021, fatalities from multi-car vehicle crashes rose by 16%. Driving carefully is more important today than ever before. Multi-car crashes are often a chain reaction where one car hits another, and then another vehicle collides into one or both of the first two vehicles. The pattern continues until multiple cars are involved in a pile-up accident. This article will outline who is at fault in a multi-car accident. Take this example of a multi-car accident.  Driver A is texting and doesn’t stop in time for a stop light. Driver A drives into oncoming traffic which is luckily not too heavy that...

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How Are Missouri Car Accident Settlements Determined?

How Are Missouri Car Accident Settlements Determined?

There is no universal settlement formula. However, insurance companies must determine the value of a claim many times given the millions of car crashes that happen each year in the United States. Unfortunately, in many cases, the amount offered by the insurance company is far below the actual value of a claim. For this reason, anyone hurt in a car wreck should contact a St. Louis car accident lawyer as soon as possible. What is the difference between special and general damages? Car accidents have two types of damages, special (economic) and general (non-economic). Special damages are financial losses and can include...

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Who Determines When I Can Return to Work After I’m Hurt in an Accident

Who Determines When I Can Return to Work After I’m Hurt in an Accident

  Getting an injury as a result of an accident on the job or otherwise can change the course of your life in a matter of moments, forcing you to adjust to a recovery timeline. You may have to leave work temporarily to allow your body to heal, and you probably want to return and start making money again. After all, you need income and it has been difficult to survive without it. We understand the challenge of being injured and wanting to simply get back to work to support yourself. And while this solution is sound enough in the short...

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How Do Insurance Companies Look Into Missouri Personal Injury Claims?

How Do Insurance Companies Look Into Missouri Personal Injury Claims?

When a person is involved in any kind of accident causing personal injury or death, they will usually have grounds for filing a claim with a negligent party’s insurance company to seek some sort of financial compensation for their losses. Many people wonder exactly what happens when a person files an injury claim and how an insurer decides how much money it will pay a person.   Missouri personal injury law can be incredibly complex, so it is always recommended that people be sure to work with an experienced St. Louis personal injury lawyer who can assist them in recovering as much...

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