8:00 - 5:00

Hours Mon. - Fri.




Is Legal Weed in other States Resulting in More Stoned Commercial Truck Drivers in Missouri?

Is Legal Weed in other States Resulting in More Stoned Commercial Truck Drivers in Missouri?

In recent years, attitudes towards the use of marijuana have become significantly more permissive, and many state legislatures have responded by decriminalizing the possession and use of the drug. In fact, at the time of this writing, 11 states have legalized the recreational use of marijuana, and many observers anticipate more states will follow. Right now, Missouri does not allow the use of recreational marijuana, but many people in the state wonder whether the fact that many nearby states – including neighboring Illinois – have legalized weed will result in more stoned truck drivers on the road. After all, what’s to...

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Are You Taking The Missouri Distracted Driving Pledge?

Are You Taking The Missouri Distracted Driving Pledge?

Distracted driving causes thousands of serious accidents every year, and more and more states are passing laws limiting cell phone use in an effort to curb one of the main sources of distraction. Unfortunately, these accidents continue to occur and leave victims with serious injuries, simply because drivers continue to drive distracted. FOX 2 News is asking drivers to take a personal pledge to stop distracted driving. According to the new outlet’s website, it’s goals are to change behavior in St. Louis, prevent unnecessary accidents, and save lives. You can take the pledge to drive S.A.F.E - Sober and Free of...

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How Summer Can Expose You & Your Children to an Increased Risk of Injury

How Summer Can Expose You & Your Children to an Increased Risk of Injury

With the summer months finally among us, many of us plan vacations, pool days, trips to the lake, and other activities. While summer is undoubtedly a time adults and children alike look forward to, it's critical to keep in mind that summer activities also come with an inherent risk of injury. Pools and Spas Are Dangerous Places Beating the heat by heading to the pool is a classic summer tradition, but as with any water-based activity, it also exposes visitors to a risk of serious injury. From slip and falls to exposure to toxic chemicals to near-drowning events, preventable accidents at pools...

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Who is at Fault for a Rear-End Collision in Missouri | Law STL

Who is at Fault for a Rear-End Collision in Missouri?

You may have heard that the driver of the trailing vehicle is always at fault for rear-end accidents. While it's certainly true that the rear driver is often at fault for these kinds of crashes, there are cases where the driver of the front vehicle can be held liable. As a result, you should always speak to an experienced lawyer after a rear-end accident, regardless of whether you were in the front or the rear vehicle. Missouri Law on Rear-End Collisions Under Missouri case law, there is a presumption that the driver of the rear vehicle is at fault for a rear...

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The Collateral Consequences of a 1st-Time DWI in Missouri

The Collateral Consequences of a 1st-Time DWI in Missouri

Many people fail to take a first-time charge of driving while intoxicated (DWI) as seriously as they should. This is often because a first DWI charge is generally a Class B misdemeanor, and defendants believe they will just get probation and move on with their lives. In reality, even a first DWI conviction can have lasting consequences that go far beyond court-ordered penalties. It is never a good idea to try to handle a DWI case on your own, as it can mean unnecessary convictions and consequences. Contact a St. Louis DWI defense attorney at Bruntrager & Billings, P.C. for...

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Can You Recover Compensation after a Slip and Fall Accident in St. Louis?

Can You Recover Compensation after a Slip and Fall Accident in St. Louis?

Many of us have slipped and fallen down at some point in our lives, only to get up and brush ourselves off, heading on our way with only a bruised ego. However, many slip and fall victims are not nearly this fortunate, as their falls may result in serious and lasting injuries. One moment they were grocery shopping and the next, they were in the emergency room and facing piles of medical bills, ongoing treatment, missed work, and more. If your slip and fall accident caused you serious injuries and losses, it is only natural to wonder whether the law entitles...

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May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

As the weather warms up, more and more people in the St. Louis area will be dusting off their motorcycles and hitting the open road. As exhilarating as motorcycling can be, it’s critical to keep in mind that every time you get on your bike, you are exposing yourself to a risk of serious injury. May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, and there’s no better time to review some basic motorcycle safety tips to reduce your risk of involvement in an accident. Here are safety tips shared by the National Safety Council: Choose a bike that is appropriate for your skill levelBe...

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4 Steps to Protecting Your Rights after a Car Accident

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People are injured in car accidents on a daily basis in St. Louis and the surrounding areas. In fact, according to statistics compiled by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, there were nearly 40,000 injury-causing accidents in 2017 - or more than 100 each day. In many cases, people who sustain injuries in car crashes are legally entitled to compensation for their accident-related losses, such as their medical expenses, repair bills, pain and suffering, and lost income. However, there are certain things that accident victims need to do to protect their rights and get the compensation they deserve. Four of the most...

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