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Common Household Items that Can Cause Injuries

Common Household Items that Can Cause Injuries

When you think about the dangers in your home, household items may not immediately come to mind. However, many common household products have the potential to cause serious injuries. From kitchen appliances to cleaning supplies, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks associated with these items. 


Danger Where You Least Expect It

It’s easy to overlook the potential dangers that lurk within our own homes. After all, these are the places where we seek comfort and security. However, many household items can pose serious risks if they are defective or misused. Some of the common household products that can cause injuries include:

  • Kitchen appliances: Defective appliances like toasters, microwaves, and blenders can cause electrical shocks, burns, or even fires.
  • Cleaning supplies: Chemical cleaners, bleach, and laundry detergents can be toxic if ingested, can cause chemical burns, or lead to respiratory issues if not used properly.
  • Furniture: Defective furniture with loose screws, unstable structures, or faulty mechanisms can lead to falls, fractures, or even crush injuries.
  • Power tools: Improperly maintained or defective power tools like drills, saws, or nail guns can lead to severe cuts, amputations, or other traumatic injuries.
  • Children’s toys: Toys that are poorly designed, have small parts that can be a choking hazard, or contain toxic materials can pose serious risks to children.

If you are concerned about particular products in your home or want to research recent recalls, visit the Consumer Products Safety Commission’s website.


What to Do after an Injury Caused by a Household Product

If you or a loved one has been injured by a defective household product, it’s crucial to take the following steps:

  1. Seek medical attention: Your health should be your top priority. Make sure to get appropriate medical treatment for your injuries, even if they seem minor at first.
  2. Preserve evidence: It’s important to keep the item that caused the injury, as well as any packaging or instructions. These can be crucial evidence in a product liability case.
  3. Document the incident: Take photos of the product, your injuries, and the environment where the incident occurred. Write down a detailed account of what happened, including any conversations or interactions you had related to the product.
  4. Consult with a St. Louis household product defect lawyer: Product liability cases can be complex, and it’s essential to have an experienced attorney by your side. Bruntrager & Billings can help you navigate the legal process, gather evidence, and fight for the compensation you deserve.
  5. Know your rights: Under product liability law, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers can be held accountable for injuries caused by their products. A skilled lawyer will help you understand your rights and guide you through the legal options available to you.


Remember, the first person to contact after an injury caused by a household product should be an attorney. It’s important not to throw away the item, packaging, or instructions, as these can serve as critical evidence in your case.


St. Louis Household Product Defect Lawyers

If you or a loved one has been injured by a defective household product, Bruntrager & Billings is here to help. As experienced St. Louis household product defect lawyers, our family-owned firm has a deep understanding of product liability law. We will fight tirelessly to hold negligent manufacturers, distributors, and retailers accountable for the injuries they have caused. Contact us at (314) 646-0066 or online to schedule a free consultation. Don’t wait – let us help you seek the justice and compensation you deserve.