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What Do You Need In Evidence After A Car Accident?

What Do You Need In Evidence After A Car Accident?

There is little doubt that after any kind of car accident in Missouri, people who are seeking financial compensation for their losses are going to need to be able to prove how the crash has affected them. Doing this usually requires various forms of evidence, and many people who have been involved in automobile accidents immediately struggle to think of what kinds of evidence they need to worry about procuring.   Evidence can obviously be critical following any St. Louis car accident, but people should know that hiring an experienced car accident attorney can usually help victims secure the important forms of...

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Have You Been Hurt in a Side Impact Collision in Missouri?

Have You Been Hurt in a Side Impact Collision in Missouri?

Side-impact crashes are among the most dangerous collisions people can be involved in because the force of one vehicle colliding with the side of another vehicle can place many people at serious risk of personal injury. When a car plows into the side of another motor vehicle, a driver or their occupants can be at risk of being seriously hurt because of a collision.   Side impact collisions can also cause enormous insurance concerns because it is always possible that both parties involved in a side impact collision will blame one another for being at fault for a collision. People who suffer...

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Possible Effects Of Pre-existing Conditions On Car Accident Claims

Possible Effects Of Pre-existing Conditions On Car Accident Claims

People who are involved in car accidents in Missouri can often suffer serious injuries causing a wide variety of possible problems, and a major concern for these victims can be the pre-existing conditions they had before their accidents. You should know that a pre-existing condition cannot be used to deny you compensation, and you will want to work with a St. Louis lawyer for accident claim when you believe an insurance company will deny your claim or underpay you because of a pre-existing condition.   Insurance companies frequently jump on pre-existing conditions and will often seek complete medical records of victims to...

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What Kind of Compensation After a Missouri Car Accident Can I Pursue?

What Kind of Compensation After a Missouri Car Accident Can I Pursue?

Following any kind of car accident in Missouri, it is not uncommon for victims to worry about whether they can obtain financial compensation for their injuries and how much they will be able to recover. When you need help pursuing damages for a Missouri car accident, you will want to be working with a St. Louis car accident attorney. The good news in Missouri is that state law very much protects the rights of victims and allows them adequate opportunity to hold a negligent party accountable and recover all of the money they need and deserve. In most cases, it will...

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Who Is Liable After An Accident In A Rental Car?

Who Is Liable After An Accident In A Rental Car?

People often rent cars while they are on vacation, and people visiting Missouri or even residents who rent cars while their regular vehicles are in the shop can become very concerned when they are involved in automobile accidents. You are going to need to find a St. Louis lawyer for car accident as soon as you are involved in any kind of crash involving a rental car.  In cases of serious injuries, driving a rental car may cause unnecessary complications in the injury claim process while you wonder does car insurance cover rental cars. You will always be best served by...

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If You Crash Your Financed Car, What Happens?

If You Crash Your Financed Car, What Happens?

While many people in Missouri may outright own the vehicle they drive, several others can still be making payments on their cars and thus do not have the titles. If a person is involved in a car accident involving a financed vehicle, it will be important to quickly find a St. Louis lawyer for car crash.  The primary concern for most people who have financed cars and are involved in automobile accidents is that they will still owe money on those vehicles even when the car is totaled. Insurance companies frequently declare cars to be total losses when the costs of...

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Types of Car Accident Claims in Missouri – law-stl

What type of Claim You can Pursue After a Car Accident in Missouri

When you are involved in a car crash in Missouri, you could have any one of a number of possible claims to file depending on certain aspects of your accident. You will want to contact a St. Louis personal injury lawyer for help determining the right kind of claim to file so you are able to recover as much financial compensation as possible. Missouri Statute § 516.120 gives people five years to file personal injury or property damage claims following a car accident, but a victim may have to file a Form 1140 Motor Vehicle Accident Report with the Missouri Department...

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How Can You Prove Your Collision With a Drunk Driver?

How Can You Prove Your Collision With a Drunk Driver?

An automobile accident always has the potential to be a frightening experience, and matters can be further complicated when a victim believes that the other negligent driver who was responsible for a collision was intoxicated. When you suspect a drunk driver was at fault for your crash in St. Louis or a surrounding area of Missouri, do not wait to seek the help of an experienced St. Louis drunk driving accident attorney.   A Missouri State Highway Patrol Research and Development Division report stated that alcohol use contributed to over 90,000 crashes in Missouri during a 10-year period, with fatal crashes constituting...

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How to Handle a Denied Car Accident Claim

How to Handle a Denied Car Accident Claim

You’ve been injured by another driver’s negligence, and the situation is difficult enough. If the at-fault driver’s insurance provider, however, proceeds to deny your claim, the matter is that much more dire. While it is unfortunate that the insurance company is putting you through this additional anxiety on top of everything else, it is important to understand that the law – and not the insurance company itself – will ultimately decide how your car accident claim will be resolved (if the insurance company refuses to engage in fair negotiations). If you find yourself in the difficult position of having your...

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