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Is Legal Weed in other States Resulting in More Stoned Commercial Truck Drivers in Missouri?

Is Legal Weed in other States Resulting in More Stoned Commercial Truck Drivers in Missouri?

In recent years, attitudes towards the use of marijuana have become significantly more permissive, and many state legislatures have responded by decriminalizing the possession and use of the drug. In fact, at the time of this writing, 11 states have legalized the recreational use of marijuana, and many observers anticipate more states will follow. Right now, Missouri does not allow the use of recreational marijuana, but many people in the state wonder whether the fact that many nearby states – including neighboring Illinois – have legalized weed will result in more stoned truck drivers on the road. After all, what’s to...

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Should You Plead Guilty to a Crime?

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Missouri?

When the state charges you with a crime, you can choose to fight the case against you or to plead guilty. The choice to plead guilty is an extremely important one and involves weighing a number of factors, including whether you believe you committed a crime, the strength of the case against you, and the potential consequences you are facing should you choose to fight the case. While an attorney can advise you as to the relative pros and cons associated with choosing to plead guilty or not, the choice is always up to you. Pleading Guilty Can Mitigate Your Consequences Many...

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An Overview of CBD and Related Laws in Missouri

An Overview of CBD and Related Laws in Missouri

Consumers across the United States are using products containing cannabidiol, also known as CBD, for a variety of reasons, including pain and anxiety relief. Stores are selling a variety of CBD products, including oils, topicals, and edibles - however, cannabis is not legal for recreational possession in Missouri. As a cannabis product, is selling or possessing CBD products legal in Missouri? The laws regarding CBD can be confusing, and they vary from state to state with no current federal standard. In 2014, Missouri passed a law that allowed some patients to obtain and possess hemp extracts, which is a cannabis preparation...

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Missouri Marijuana Law Update


Marijuana-related laws are constantly changing in the United States and they vary, from state to state. This can make it confusing for people to know what is legal and what could lead to an arrest and criminal charges. The following are some updates on the state of marijuana laws in Missouri. Always remember that the laws in neighboring states are different, so you can never just assume that what is lawful or unlawful in Missouri will be the same just across the river in Illinois. Medical Marijuana Laws Last November, voters decided that Missouri should legalize marijuana use for medical purposes, and...

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What happens if I am pulled over while under the influence of marijuana or other drugs?

What happens if I am pulled over while under the influence of marijuana or other drugs?

April 20th, or 4/20, is a popular "holiday" among marijuana drug users. While many believe the term "420" derives from the police code for marijuana, it actually originates from a group of five Californian students who regularly smoked at 4:20 PM, and what started as a time to meet up and smoke, 420 eventually surpassed this group of five and made its way into the English vernacular. With 4/20 quickly approaching, the state of Missouri has begun its first ever, “420 drugged-driving enforcement campaign," meant to quash the number of people driving under the influence on this unofficial "holiday." According to Fox...

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